What is ChatGPT and how does it affect the world of technology?

?What is ChatGPT
?How important is it to know ChatGPT
?Who is the creator of GPT chat
?How does ChatGPT work
Programming languages for ChatGPT development
?What is the difference between Google and ChatGPT
?In what fields can ChatGPT be used
!Three questions that ChatGPT does not answer
?Should I be worried about ChatGPT
Frequently asked questions

What is ChatGPT, if you are interested in the world of technology and follow the news related to this field, you must have heard the name ChatGPT and you want to know what this technology is and how it is used. This AI-based tool is actually a type of text-based chatbot that has created a lot of buzz in tech circles. In this article from the Pars Pak blog, we introduce the ChatGPT chatbot to you and examine its impact on the world of technology; So stay with us until the end.

?What is ChatGPT

ChatGPT is a chatbot built on artificial intelligence algorithms. Simply put, you can ask ChatGPT any question and he will answer you. However, if we want to go a little beyond the simple meaning, we should know that ChatGPT is built on LLM (an abbreviation of Large Language Model), unlike a simple voice assistant like Siri. This means that ChatGPT neural networks are built on the basis of large amounts of information obtained from the Internet.

What is the reason for choosing the name ChatGPT? The name ChatGPT is derived from this: Generative Pre-trained Transformer. In this phrase, the word Pre-Trained clearly indicates that ChatGPT is a pre-trained bot, and this means that although this bot has the ability to learn, its neural networks are built on information that has been published on the Internet until 2021.

Also, it’s good to know that now ChatGPT has released its version 3.5 to the public. In this version, various types of web content, including websites, books, social media, news articles, etc., have been used to teach this robot; Of course, all these contents are set in the language model in the form of supervised learning and RLHF (reinforcement learning from human feedback).

?How important is it to know ChatGPT

What is ChatGPT and what role does it play in today’s world? This question is like someone asking twenty years ago: “How important is computer literacy?”. This is not to say that nothing can be done without ChatGPT in the future; But we have to accept that the future world is the world of artificial intelligence. Just like until two or three decades ago, everything was done traditionally; But with the arrival of computers, people’s lifestyles also changed.

If we accept that nowadays we can do something without computers and internet, we can probably accept that in the future world we can have something to say without artificial intelligence. This ironic statement does not have a further meaning: regardless of whether technology ultimately improves living conditions or not, and by avoiding any philosophical view of this issue, you cannot prevent technology from infiltrating your life; Rather, the only thing you can do is to keep up with it and use the opportunities you get to improve your life.

ChatGPT is also a newborn child of technology. This learning tool is gradually opening its place in people’s lives so that they can gain more prosperity in life; So, you must walk in this direction in order not to fall behind the caravan; The path that we will talk more about in the continuation of this article from the Pars Pak blog.

?Who is the creator of GPT chat

ChatGPT is a product of a non-profit organization called OpenAI based in San Francisco. This organization specializes in the field of artificial intelligence and is funded by prominent figures such as Elon Musk and Peter Thiel.

It goes without saying that later and in 2009, OpenAI changed to a for-profit organization and is still managed by Sam Altman. It’s good to know that ChatGPT runs on Microsoft’s Azure infrastructure and uses NVIDIA GPUs. What is the reason for the importance of Microsoft and ChatGPT cooperation? We will come back to it again in the next sections.

?How does ChatGPT work

To find out how JPT Chat works, we enlisted the help of Vrinda Nair. He is a PhD student in Physics at Concordia University and has chosen his PhD thesis in the field of training artificial intelligence models. Vrinda Nair answers this question by explaining a few concepts; Concepts that are the infrastructure of ChatGPT design.

 Generative Pre-Trained

The first term we come across about ChatGPT is Generative Pre-Training. The name of this robot is an abbreviation of the same phrase and means “pre-learned producer”. The “pre-learning” part means that your bot has learned things before it can talk to people. Notice that this bot behaves exactly like a smart student who is very interested in learning more. What is the meaning of the “producer” part in the term JPT chat? This term means that ChatGPT can use the information it has already acquired to construct new sentences or stories.

Large Model Language

LLMs or large language models behave like intelligent robots that can understand human speech and language. Robots designed using these models can understand what you say just as you would with your family and friends, and can even be used to respond to people.

There are many in these models, they are called Large Language. This information helps them to have a lot of information about different issues and to be able to talk about them.

Machine Learning

In the science of machine learning, it’s about teaching a computer through the information it already has. For example, if the computer already knows how to recognize pictures of dogs, we can train it to recognize a certain type of dog by showing it different pictures of dogs.

 transfer learning

Another interesting topic is transfer learning. This method is like sharing knowledge among several friends. In other words, similar to what you do to share your information with your friends, computers can also transfer their information to other computers.

For example, if a computer has learned how to recognize different types of animals, that same knowledge can be used to teach another computer how to recognize different types of cars. This will make the learning process in machines much faster.

Programming languages for ChatGPT development

OpenAI has developed the ChatGPT model based on the GPT-3.5 architecture, a transformer-based language model. This architecture is implemented in the Python programming language and through the PyTorch framework, a framework for deep learning.

GPT-3.5 model training also includes the use of various programming languages such as Python, OpenCL, CUDA and C++. In this project, Python is used for training and evaluation, and C++ is used to implement some critical codes in the performance, such as implementing low-level matrix multiplication operations. CUDA and OpenCL are also responsible for accelerating the training process on GPUs and other hardware accelerators.

Also keep in mind that the mentioned programming languages allow low-level access to the system hardware, and thus, it is possible to perform the applied calculations of large-scale deep learning models such as GPT-3.5.

?What is the difference between Google and ChatGPT

Are pliers and hammer the same? If your answer to this question is “yes”, then ChatGPT and Google are the same! An important point to note is that Google is a GPT language model search and chat engine. These two have many differences in terms of structure. Next, we mention the important differences between the two:

Google is a search engine that introduces the information sources you need using artificial intelligence; But ChatGPT is a language model that answers your questions directly.
ChatGPT’s expertise is in answering questions; Therefore, you should not expect this tool to, for example, show you the photos you want or provide you with software resources for download.
All the information that Chat GPT has available is about 570 GB; But Google has more than 100 million gigabytes of data.
Using Google is completely free; But ChatGPT as a business-oriented tool is likely to be monetized in the future.
In what fields can ChatGPT be used?

What is the most important feature of ChatGPT? In what areas does ChatGPT help us? To answer this question, we must remind that the main feature of ChatGPT is to answer human questions. This definition probably makes it clear in your mind that the best use of this tool can be seen in special chatbots (ChatBot) and AI-based conversations and virtual assistants.

However, many people make other uses of JPT chat based on their creativity. As an example, we can mention these works:

Writing codes related to programming languages
Debugging previously written code
Write an article or blog post
Write a story or poem

For ChatGPT to do any of these things for you, all you have to do is talk to him; So !easily

Three questions that ChatGPT does not answer!

ChatGPT, with all its power, cannot answer every question. Consider some examples of these questions:

1. Events that happened after 2021

The latest ChatGPT has information up to 2021 in its database; For this reason, if you ask this robot, for example, about the events that happened in 2022, it will tell you that it cannot give you information about future events.

2. Questions that require an internet connection to answer

Note that ChatGPT is not connected to the Internet; So, you can’t expect him to answer questions he doesn’t know about.

3. Questions whose answers are against the law or morality

ChatGPT has internal safeguards and regulations, according to which, it is not allowed to answer some questions; Even if their information is available to the public.

?Should I be worried about ChatGPT

As a personal experience, I must mention that any new technology scares people at first. This fear comes from not having information about that technology. For example, people who lived in the 1340s and 1350s must remember some people’s concerns about television!

This issue is not only in Iran; Because we are talking about natural human behavior. This fear becomes more serious when technology can reduce or eliminate some jobs. Tom Whipple, a writer for The Times, explains this very clearly.

from sight

Oh this writer, when the Jenny spinning machine was invented in 1746, many of the earlier workers in the weaving mills felt threatened. The same problem occurred in 1829 with the introduction of the Stephenson rocket (a type of locomotive) for carriage drivers. What was the result? Technology found its way, and blue-collar workers (workers in physical jobs such as mining) kept pace with it. However, when the technology wants to enter the domain of white-collar workers (employees and people with office jobs), the situation is really more complicated.

Whipple believes that technology will find its way; Even if the dam is big in front of him. The fact is that ChatGPT and basically any other technological technology is not going to eliminate a job; Rather, these tasks are supposed to be done more simply and efficiently. So don’t get caught up in Hollywood ads and don’t worry about this issue; Not only because your worry won’t heal the pain; But because you have to learn to use this tool to improve your working conditions.


What is ChatGPT? In one word, we can say that the future of the world is undoubtedly in the hands of robots and artificial intelligence technology. If we don’t want to get caught up in the thoughts of Hollywood advertisements, we should at least believe that artificial intelligence technology will do many things for us with better quality in the not too distant future. ChatGPT is also one of the tools designed based on this technology and now almost all of us know it.

ChatGPT is a bot that many people are talking about these days. Many people have strange ideas about it and there are people who use this tool well. This bot is developed on the basis of artificial intelligence and deep learning and can help you in many fields, from personal development to website SEO, etc.

In this article from Pars Pak blog, we have introduced ChatGPT tool to you. By reading this article, you can learn a lot about ChatGPT and prepare yourself to work with it.

Frequently asked questions
?What is ChatGPT

ChatGPT is a text-based bot that can help you by answering questions.

? Is ChatGPT assisted by artificial intelligence

Yes, ChatGPT uses artificial intelligence and deep learning technologies.

? Is ChatGPT connected to the Internet

No, the information that ChatGPT has and uses to respond to you is up to 2021. Therefore, this bot does not have access to information after 2021, nor is it connected to the Internet to provide you with updated information.

?Is ChatGPT killing jobs

With the introduction of any new technology, the way some jobs are done will change. For example, with the introduction of mechanical machinery, workers did not have to work with simple and hard tools; So, it’s better to say that ChatGPT, and basically any other useful technology, makes the way things are done simpler and better.

Given that currently information

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